Live Radio

Red Hen Records EGG 2
Released February 21, 2002
From the liner notes:
These recordings are from Roz & Howard Larman's FolkScene, a weekly public radio show that
has aired for more than 30 years from Los Angeles. The Larman's definition of "folk" is
generous and inclusive, and we made four appearances between 1994 and 1999. The
hour-long segments were broadcast live and recorded to 2-track DAT by engineer Peter
Cutler. Save for mastering and minimal editing, what went out over the airwaves is what you
hear here. Live Radio.
Album produced by Eric Lowen & Dan Navarro.
produced by Howard & Roz Larman.
Recorded by Peter Cutler.
Mastered by Mark
Chalecki ar Capitol Mastering.
"Weight of the World", "When The Lights Go Down",
"Crossing Over", "Broken Moon"
EL & DN - guitars, vocals. Recorded 5/2/99.
"Avalanche", "What I Make Myself Believe", "Someone Like You"
Robbie Harrington -
bass, David Raven - drums, EL & DN - guitars, vocals. Recorded 4/26/98.
"Just To See You", "Until The Well Runs Dry", "Rapt In You"
Robbie Harrington - bass, EL &
DN - guitars, vocals. Recorded 9/15/96.
"All Is Quiet", "Constant As The Night", "Nobody
Knows", "Waltzing The Shadows"
Richard Dodd - cello, Simeon Pillich - bass, Dan Marfisi
- drums, EL & DN - guitars, vocals. Recorded 8/14/94.
Special thanks to Roz &
Howard Larman, Peter Cutler, Mark Chalecki, Mike Gormley, Craig Gates and Tina Romanus.
Cover design and art direction by Dan Navarro. Cover photo by Markus Cuff. Studio
photos by Jim Lee for Dirty Linen 9/15/96.